The Functional Investment of Linguistics in Narrative Analysis


  • Mohamed Hadi Aiche


investment, function, narration, linguistics, mysticism,


In this article, we dealt with the issue of the impact of linguistics on narrative analysis and how some linguistic studies became mechanisms for literary studies in general and narrative studies in particular. The elements of the article were the trends of linguistics and its analytical outputs in narrative studies, and it is noticeable that the relationship of linguistics with the narrative was determined through the march of linguistics full of accurate scientific accumulation. The follower finds that narration is an arena in which linguistic studies and modern literary studies converge, concerted to reveal the mysteries of meaning. In this article, I have chosen the term investment and function, because science tends to be procedural, just like economic sciences, and according to the words of 'Grace' the principle of utility. This article is summarized in three important elements: the investment of descriptive linguistics in the narrative, the investment of explanatory linguistics in the narrative, as well as the investment of mystical linguistics in the narrative.


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