Organizational similarity among faculty members in universities Jordanian public and its relationship to their sense of security


  • Khaled Ahmed Sraiira


 The Purpose of this study was to examine the Organizational Identification of the faculty staff at the Jordanian public universities, and its relationship to their sense of security

The population of the study consisted of all 2905 Jordanian faculty members, appointed on full-time basis at the Jordanian public universities. The sample of the study (n. 582) was randomly selected.

 Two instruments were developed for data gathering; the first instrument, a portfolio of respondents, is an OIQ which was first designed by Cheney (1982). The second is a questionnaire of the sense of security instrument.

The results of the study indicated that the degree of Organizational Identification was high (3.97). It also indicated that the sense of security among the participants was high (3.94) additionally.

The results revealed a positive correlations between the Organizational Identification and the sense of security (correlation coefficient was 0.829).




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