The Algerian Fictional Achievement between Experimentation and Recitation The Novel “Book of Sins” by the Algerian Novelist Said Khatibi


  • Ahlem Oulmi


Algerian novel, experiment, reader, receptivity, the prospect of waiting


This research paper seeks to
follow up the reader’s reception of
fictional texts over successive times.
This is done through searching in
the darkness of the contemporary
Algerian novelist achievement,
through fictional models that made
the difference, and moved away
from the culture of recombination
that the reader was familiar with for
a period of time. Based on this idea,
the article seeks to discuss the
multiplicity of readings in the novel
“The Book of Sins” by “Saeed
Khatibi” by dropping one of the
procedures of “the theory of
reception”, namely the “prospect of
waiting” and the two characteristics
of “disappointment and response”
that follow from. The novel has the
subject of study and the attempt to
interrogate it, and to search for the
aesthetic of the quarrels that brought
the reader and the novel together
through freedom from the characteristic

of social clues that each of them used to know.


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